Looking for Yorvale ice cream near you? You can find your nearest stockists below. We deliver locally and nationally via our reputable wholesalers.
Castle Howard Farm Shop
York, YO60 7DA Phone: 01653 648649
Regions: Yorkshire
Eden Farm Ltd
Phone: 01915 861111 Email: sales@eden-farm.co.uk
Regions: Yorkshire
Bookers Wholesale
Phone: 01933 371000 Email: account.enquiries@booker.co.uk
Regions: Yorkshire
Miller Food Service
Phone: 01904655368 Email: info@millerfoodservice.co.uk
Regions: Yorkshire
Total Foodservice
Phone: 01254 828330 Email: enquiries@totalfoodservice.co.uk
Regions: Cheshire , Cumbria , Lancashire , Yorkshire
JMP Foodservice
Phone: 015396 20296 Email: sales@jmpfoodservice.co.uk
Regions: Cheshire , Cumbria , Durham , Lancashire , Northumberland , Yorkshire
First Choice Foodservice
Phone: 01283 741 630 Email: sales@firstchoicefs.co.uk
Regions: Derbyshire , Herefordshire , Leicestershire , Lincolnshire , Northamptonshire , Nottinghamshire , Rutland , Shropshire , Staffordshire , Worcestershire , Warwickshire
Turner Price
Email: info@turner-price.co.uk Phone: 01482 577 100
Regions: Derbyshire , Durham , Leicestershire , Lincolnshire , Northamptonshire , Northumberland , Nottinghamshire , Rutland , Yorkshire
Kent Frozen Foods
Email: customer.services@kff.co.uk Phone: 01622 612345
Regions: Bedfordshire , Berkshire , Buckinghamshire , Cambridgeshire , Cornwall , Dorset , Devon , Essex , GB-GC , Greater London , Hampshire , Hertfordshire , Kent , Norfolk , Oxfordshire , Suffolk , Somerset , Surrey , Sussex , Wiltshire
Pilgrim Foodservice Ltd
Phone: 01205 312703 Email: order@pilgrimfoods.co.uk
Regions: Bedfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Derbyshire , Essex , Hertfordshire , Leicestershire , Lincolnshire , Northamptonshire , Norfolk , Nottinghamshire , Rutland , Suffolk , Yorkshire
Q Catering Ltd
Kent, ME10 3BF 01795 425 050
Regions: Kent, East & West Sussex, South East & South West London, and Surrey
York Theatre Royal
St Leonard's Pl, York YO1 7HD 01904 623 568
Phone: 01159 291101 Email: info@hopwells.com
Atrium Cash & Carry, Isle of Man
Email: jeff@atrium.im Phone: 01624 625835

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