Delicious dairy products, creating memorable moments with a conscience, making a big impression whilst leaving a small footprint.
'Our Mission'
Our values

We are passionate about our ice cream and believe that our customers only deserve the very best. We continuously test all ice cream we produce to ensure it meets our high standards. We are also accredited by the Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards (BRCGS) to AA standard.

We believe traditional is best, and we are proud to produce traditional creamy ice cream here on our farm in the Vale of York, using the milk from our small dairy herd. We only use natural ingredients in our products and we try to source these as locally as we can.

As farmers we are responsible for taking care of our land and we feel it is important to do a good job. We farm using traditional methods, we recycle and store our waste water for organic fertiliser, our solar panels power the factory and our our plastic and cardboard is recycled.

Our customers are at the heart of our business, we make decisions with our customers in mind and want them to have fun eating our products. Not only that but it’s important our staff enjoy their work, their passion and commitment tastes in the product.

We spread muck and inject our waste water onto our land to help the grass and maize crops grow. Muck, produced from the girls during winter, is spread across the fields adding fertility to grow the crops and improves the soil structure. The washout water, from producing ice cream, sorbets and kefir throughout the year, is stored in a large tank for 6 months and injected directly into the soil as an organic natural fertiliser.
Our 100-kilowatt solar panels provide some power for the factory. In addition, we have a heat exchange unit to harvest the heat from the cold room compressors, this gives us free warm water and saves energy.
We run a low stock, low input, low yield herd on permanent pasture, putting less stress on the land and giving our girls acres more room to roam. We use what we have available and make conscious decisions based on our farm, our animals and our environment. Our girls spend as long in the fields as possible and a large percentage of their winter fodder is from grass and maize, all grown on the farmstead. The majority of our cows calve in the springtime, so the milk production pattern aligns with the milk requirement for peak ice cream season.
We recycle all our waste cardboard and plastic and we carefully control our use of paper and printing to ensure we waste as little as possible. In the factory we recycle our final rinse water, which reduces our overall use of water throughout the production process. We are constantly looking at ways we can be better, such as changing our pot lids and spoons from plastic to paper and wood.
We’re enormously lucky to be surrounded by the beautiful British countryside and so have an abundance of wildlife. We cut our hedges early, before the end of February, this makes sure to allow nesting birds enough time to build their nest and hatch their eggs without being disturbed. Our farm is home to an array of birds including the local barn owl. On early spring mornings deer can be found crossing our land, and on a warm summer’s afternoon, Mr Fox can often be seen in the distance roaming across the fields! The farm buildings are home to returning Swallows, who migrate annually back from Africa and into established nests which have been used for years.
"Yorvale supply JJs of pocklington. 22 fantastic flavours and also blended to make amazing milkshakes. Yorvale no1 for real ice cream and made on the farm."
- Dave Scott


We are BRCGS certified to AA standard
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